Topic: UK

City & Guilds brand Kineo announces launch of new ESG training offering

24 May 2024
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Kineo look to revolutionise corporate training and handling of Environmental, Social and Governance responsibilities with new suite of courses.

DfE announces reformed qualifications approved for funding from August 2025

17 May 2024
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The Department for Education (DfE) set out changes to level 3 and below qualifications following the post-16 qualification review in England. DfE has now published a list of Alternative Academic Qualifications (AAQs) and Technical Qualifications (TQs) that have been approved for public funding at level 3 from 1 August 2025, including new City & Guilds qualifications.

Apprenticeships plugging the digital skills gap

01 May 2024
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How Baltic Apprenticeships and City & Guilds are working together to deliver essential digital skills training.


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