Health and Safety in the Workplace (4065)

Last Updated: 22 Apr 2022
The Level 2 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace provides learners with the basic knowledge for keeping themselves and those around them safe in a work environment, covering such important skills as using protective equipment, dealing with accidents and controlling risks.
The Level 2 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace is ideal for organisations that wish to adopt a standard approach to training their staff in health and safety to ensure the basic legislative requirements regarding appropriate precautions is met by employees, work placement students or apprentices.

This qualification is for those with no formal training in health and safety, and could be used for those looking to return to work.
Available to deliver in the following:
  • England
  • Wales – please check QiW website for available funding
  • Scotland
  • Northern Ireland

Interested in delivering this qualification?

Find out more about how to become an approved City & Guilds centre or fill out our online customer application form

General Information

What Is Involved In Studying This Course?
You can gain knowledge around a number of aspects of health and safety in the workplace, either sufficient to remain safe and safeguard others in the workplace (Award). 

You will learn in the classroom. Assessment is through a range of City & Guilds set exams that will be short-answer test and/or multiple-choice examination.
What Careers Can This Lead To?
This qualification does not lead directly to employment, but can be or form part of a training/induction programme for employees, works experience students or apprentices.
What Is Involved With Delivering This Course?
To deliver this qualification you will need qualified trainers and assessors, wither trained internal members of staff or recruited specially, and suitable facilities to carry out the required training to enable learners to achieve industry standards.

To find all the resource requirements for assessment and delivery, download the qualification handbook from the centre documents section.

Centres currently offering the City & Guilds Level 2 Award in Health and Safety for the Workplace (3682) and/or City & Guilds Level 2 Progression Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace (3681) can gain fast-track approval for this qualification.

There are no eligibility requirements for these qualifications.

Level 2

This level provides an introduction to health and safety for those with little or no previous knowledge.

  • Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace (4065)

The award comprises one mandatory unit:

  • Health and safety in the workplace.

 For a full information on the unit, download the qualification handbook from the centre documents section.

What Careers Can This Lead To?

This qualification does not lead directly to employment, but forms part of a training programme for employees, works experience students or apprentices.

Level 2 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace (4065-12)
Last Registration Date: 31 Dec 2027

Level 2 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace

  • Accreditation No: 501/2252/6 This is a reference number related to UK accreditation framework
  • Type: Credit based qualification This is categorisation to help define qualification attributes e.g. type of assessment
  • Credits: 1 Credits are a measure of the size of the qualification
  • Guided Learning Hours: 10 - 10 This is the average contact time a centre would typically commit
  • Total Qualification Time: 10 The total time for the qualification
  • Key Stage: Data unavailable This shows the equivalent Key Stage level.
  • Last Certification: 31/12/2030 This is the last date that a certificate can be issued
  • Qualification fees in the UK: £19.20 Our typical price is the one that is most often paid by a centre for a completed learner. Some prices are made up of multiple charging points so action like taking difference units or specialisms to complete and resitting assessments may mean the cost for some learners differs.