Apprenticeship standards
Apprenticeships have changed to new, employer-led, apprenticeship standards. These put employers in the driving seat as they help design the apprenticeships and manage the contracts with training providers.
Find out more on the new apprenticeship standards in our apprenticeships section and view a list of standards by sector.
Apprentices must learn and evidence skills, knowledge and behaviours set down in the apprenticeship standard. They are set by employers, known as trailblazers, when the standard is first put together. The standard is made up of on-programme learning and end-point assessment. Where we offer them, employers can choose us for one or both parts of the standard.
See how we can help you deliver apprenticeship standards – our useful film shows some of the main areas to consider and what we offer to meet them.
Maths and English
All apprentices should be supported to improve their maths and English. Depending on the level of maths and English they’ve already achieved and the apprenticeship being taken, studying maths and English could be a requirement of their apprenticeship. Maths and English can be delivered through GCSE or Functional Skills.
Details are in the apprenticeship standard or SASE framework though generally:
- Level 2 apprentices need maths and English at Level 1 and should attempt Level 2.
- Level 3 apprentices need maths and English at Level 2.
- There may be extra requirements for higher level apprenticeships or particular industry roles.
City & Guilds offers a range of online and offline materials and packages for learners to succeed in English and maths. We also offer CPD courses for tutors to help incorporate maths and English into the apprentice journey – particularly helpful for curriculum staff not used to delivering this.
The Specification of Apprenticeship Standards for Wales (SASW) frameworks set out the minimum requirements for apprenticeships. They are created by Sector Skills Councils (SSCs) – which are employer-led and Government-licensed organisations, specific to an industry sector.
View our range of apprenticeships by industry sector.
SASW frameworks vary according to industry and level and details are in the individual framework though they usually contain the following:
1. Mandatory qualifications
These are specific qualifications and levels that include competency-based qualifications, such as NVQs, and knowledge-based qualifications (Technical Certificate). Competency-based qualifications are driven by work-based learning and continuous assessment. The provider will usually support this with on-the-job training and assessment. Technical certificates are usually delivered off-the-job by a training provider.
Some frameworks ask for a combined qualification to cover competency and knowledge. This is set out in the framework document.
2. Skills training
Learning is made up of Personal Learning and Thinking Skills (PLTS) and Employment Rights and Responsibilities (ERR). PLTS include employability skills to help the apprentice make a confident and valuable contribution in the workplace. The apprentice must evidence their learning in six skills areas: independent enquiry; creative thinking; reflective learning; team working; self-management and effective participation. ERR are the legal rights and responsibilities of the apprentice as an employee and their employer and an apprentice must show their understanding of these.
3. Maths and English
These are 'essential skills' in the system in Wales and include essential application of number skills and essential communication skills. Some frameworks also ask for essential digital literacy skills.
All apprentices should be supported to improve their maths and English. Depending on the level of maths and English they’ve already achieved and the apprenticeship being taken, studying maths and English could be a requirement of their apprenticeship. Maths and English can be delivered through GCSE or Essential Skills Wales a suite of qualifications which also covers Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
Details of the specific essential skills are in the framework though generally:
- Level 2 apprentices need maths and English at Level 1 and should attempt Level 2.
- Level 3 apprentices need maths and English at Level 2.
- There may be extra requirements for higher level apprenticeships or particular industry roles.
City & Guilds offers a range of online and offline materials and packages for learners to succeed in English and maths. We also offer CPD courses for tutors to help incorporate maths and English into the apprentice journey – particularly helpful for curriculum staff not used to delivering this.
Apprenticeship NI frameworks are created by Sector Skills Councils (SSCs) – which are employer-led and Government-licensed organisations, specific to an industry sector. They are issued by the NI Department for the Economy.
View our range of apprenticeships by industry sector. The Northern Ireland Government’s website has more information about apprenticeships in Northern Ireland.
Apprenticeship NI frameworks vary according to industry and level and details are in the individual framework document though they usually contain the following:
1. Mandatory qualifications
These are specific qualifications and levels that include competency-based qualifications, such as NVQs, and knowledge-based qualifications (Technical Certificate). Competency-based qualifications are driven by work-based learning and continuous assessment. The provider will usually support this with on-the-job training and assessment. Technical certificates are predominantly delivered off-the-job by a training provider.
Some frameworks ask for a combined qualification to cover competency and knowledge. This is set out in the framework document.
2. Employment Rights and Responsibilities (ERR)
Most frameworks require apprentices to show an understanding of their legal rights and responsibilities.
3. Maths and English
All apprentices should be supported to improve their maths and English. Depending on the level of maths and English they’ve already achieved and the apprenticeship being taken, studying maths and English could be a requirement of their apprenticeship. Maths and English can be delivered through GCSE or Essential Skills Northern Ireland a suite of qualifications which also covers Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
Details are in the apprenticeship standard or SASE framework though generally:
- Level 2 apprentices need maths and English at Level 1. They should attempt Level 2.
- Level 3 apprentices need maths and English at Level 2.
- There may be extra requirements for higher level apprenticeships or particular industry roles.
City & Guilds offers a range of online and offline materials and packages for learners to succeed in English and maths. We also offer CPD courses for tutors to help incorporate maths and English into the apprentice journey – particularly helpful for curriculum staff not used to delivering this.
Apprenticeships in Scotland are delivered as modern apprenticeship frameworks and are created by Sector Skills Councils (SSCs) – which are employer-led and Government-licensed organisations, specific to an industry sector. Find out more about apprenticeships in Scotland on the Skills Development Scotland website.
View our range of apprenticeships by industry sector.
Modern apprenticeship frameworks have three main components:
1. Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQ)
These are certificates of vocational education specific to the job role. They’re delivered through a combination of practical (on-the-job) and knowledge-based (off-the-job) learning and assessments.
2. Core skills
The SSC set the minimum requirements for these five compulsory skills areas: communication; problem solving; numeracy; working with others and information and communication technology (ICT).
Communications, problem solving and working with others are integrated into the apprenticeship, while ICT and numeracy are often taught as separate subjects.
City & Guilds offers workplace-assessed core skills units.
3. Design and teaching
This varies according to occupational area and may use a curriculum-driven model or an assessment-driven model.
Enhancements (industry-specific)
The framework might set out additional training for apprentices to support their learning. This will typically be knowledge-based qualifications to support their SVQ.
To find out more about delivering our apprenticeships in Scotland, get in touch.