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In the meantime, find out more information about the AEB below;
Maths & English
AEB fully funds anyone aged 19+ to gain up to a Level 2 qualification in maths or English if they do not already have one. The list of maths and English qualifications that are eligible to be funded are on our dedicated Maths and English website.
City & Guilds Maths and English information >
ESOL information
AEB fully funds 19+ unemployed learners to access ESOL learning aims. If a learner is employed and starts an ESOL learning aim, then the ESFA will co-fund the programme (learner must contribute to the costs), unless the learner earns below the low threshold.
Learner Loans
Available for 19+ learners to access full Certificate and Diploma qualifications at L3 and above.
19+ FE Adult Learner Loans >
Funding rules
ESFA funding rules, which fully explain what and who is and isn’t funded.
Adult Education Budget Funding and Performance Management Rules >
ESFA information
ESFA technical document explaining the funding formula, rates and policy.
ESFA Funding Rates and Formula >