Topic: UK

Jay Blades MBE Resignation

13 September 2024
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Jay Blades MBE Resignation

Measuring the impact and value of skills development

12 September 2024
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How the right training evaluation can make the case for L&D investment.

Results day 2024

14 August 2024
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Congratulations to all learners receiving their City & Guilds qualifications.

What five key things should the new Labour government be targeting to improve the UK skills system and boost growth?

07 August 2024
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Discussing skills shortages, small businesses and apprenticeship reform at the Employment and Skills Convention

Department for Education announces pause and review of post-16 qualification reforms in England

24 July 2024
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The defunding of qualifications that overlap with T Levels has been paused.

Driving forward an ambitious skills agenda and plans for education

11 July 2024
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The new UK Labour government has set out plans to expand high-quality education, employment and training routes.

Important updates regarding the Livestock Production Occupational Specialism (OS) within the Agriculture Land Management Production (ALMP) T Level

03 July 2024
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From September 2024, pig skills will be introduced into the Livestock Production OS pathway.

Why it’s time to address the health and wellbeing crisis facing the construction sector

13 June 2024
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How training providers and employers can create a construction industry that is safer and healthier for everyone.

Update on new Annual Fee, minimum spend and price review

06 June 2024
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City & Guilds and ILM revised pricing will start to be available in Walled Garden from July 2024 – understand the revised plan.

5 skills development tips to grow your business: From strong leadership to AI

06 June 2024
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Ensure you’re investing in the right skills for your organisation with key insights from HR and L&D professionals, as explored in our Skills Discovery Sessions.

City & Guilds brand Kineo announces launch of new ESG training offering

24 May 2024
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Kineo look to revolutionise corporate training and handling of Environmental, Social and Governance responsibilities with new suite of courses.

DfE announces reformed qualifications approved for funding from August 2025

17 May 2024
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The Department for Education (DfE) set out changes to level 3 and below qualifications following the post-16 qualification review in England. DfE has now published a list of Alternative Academic Qualifications (AAQs) and Technical Qualifications (TQs) that have been approved for public funding at level 3 from 1 August 2025, including new City & Guilds qualifications.

Apprenticeships plugging the digital skills gap

01 May 2024
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How Baltic Apprenticeships and City & Guilds are working together to deliver essential digital skills training.

Meet the City & Guilds customer support teams

11 April 2024
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Find out who to go to with questions and issues in our support team Q&A.

Innovative prison-based hospitality training helps prisoners develop in demand skills

10 April 2024
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How The Right Course and City & Guilds are upskilling prisoners through practical experience and quality education.

Scaling skills and employment opportunities to reduce reoffending

03 April 2024
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City & Guilds was delighted to host our event, ‘Scaling skills and employment opportunities to reduce reoffending’ at HMP Highpoint recently.

Celebrating the power of skills focused prison rehabilitation and new beginnings this spring

18 March 2024
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How City & Guilds is supporting skills development for prisons and prison leavers

City & Guilds Foundation - Rehabilitation Collaboration Event

15 March 2024
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On 28 February the City & Guilds Foundation brought together industry leaders and representatives from charity partners to build relationships and share insights and experiences of promoting education and training in prison.

International Women’s Day 2024: In conversation with Cecilia Harvey

05 March 2024
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To mark International Women’s Day 2024 and highlight this year’s theme of ‘inspire inclusion’, we interviewed our very own women in STEM champion, City & Guilds’ Chief Operating Officer, Cecilia Harvey, about her career experiences in the largely male-dominated world of IT and technology.

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