Topic: Work ready

Rhoi cydnabyddiaeth y Cynnig Cymraeg i City and Guilds am ymdrechion i wella’r gwasanaethau Cymraeg

15 December 2023
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Mae City and Guilds (1 Tachwedd 2023) wedi derbyn cydnabyddiaeth arbennig y ‘Cynnig Cymraeg’ gan Gomisiynydd y Gymraeg, i gydnabod ymrwymiad y sefydliad i gynnig gwasanaethau yn y Gymraeg.

Cynnig Cymraeg recognition awarded to City & Guilds for efforts to improve Welsh language services

15 December 2023
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City & Guilds has (1st November 2023) been awarded the prestigious ‘Cynnig Cymraeg’ from the Welsh Language Commissioner, in recognition of the organisation’s commitment to offering services in the Welsh language.

Preparing for green jobs – new podcast explores skills for a sustainable future

13 December 2023
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The City & Guilds Green Edge podcast navigates the critical role of green skills in shaping our economy

Money and Pensions Service – Assured case study

10 November 2023
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Supporting financial wellbeing through their Assured Money Guidance training programme.

Supporting the ColegauCymru conference as Headline Sponsor: Addressing the issues and opportunities facing skills development in Wales

09 November 2023
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Additional funding for Functional Skills reflects the importance of maths and English skills for individuals and for our economy.

Cefnogi cynhadledd ColegauCymru fel y Prif Noddwr: Mynd i’r afael â’r materion a’r cyfleoedd y mae’r maes datblygu sgiliau yn eu hwynebu yng Nghymru

09 November 2023
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Yng nghynhadledd ColegauCymru yng Nghaerdydd ar 12 Hydref, daeth cyflogwyr, darparwyr hyfforddiant a llunwyr polisi at ei gilydd i drafod dyfodol addysg Gymraeg

Functional Skills Funding Announcement

07 November 2023
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Additional funding for Functional Skills reflects the importance of maths and English skills for individuals and for our economy.

Training Trends 2023: Unlocking investment, realising potential

07 November 2023
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Are internal barriers to L&D leading to wasted training investment in training?

New Maths and English report highlights key priorities and challenges for providers

03 November 2023
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From managing quality to learner engagement, recent research from City & Guilds shares key provider insights.

ISB Manifesto: A vision for a Future Skills Development System – serving People, Places and Productivity

31 October 2023
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City & Guilds Industry Skills Board (ISB) have launched their Policy and Business Coalition Manifesto which gives solution-based proposals to achieve change in the skills sector.

Reflecting on EV World Congress 2023: Fostering collaboration and skills development for sustainable mobility

23 October 2023
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The recently concluded EV World Congress 2023 brought together industry leaders and policymakers to collectively shape the future of the electric vehicle (EV) charging landscape. On the 10th and 11th October, against the backdrop of Novotel London West, the event underscored the significance of collaborative efforts in moving the EV sector forward.

Celebrating World Menopause Day with community group M-Powered

18 October 2023
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How a team of Menopause Wellbeing Champions have created a safe space to share stories and affect change at City & Guilds

It’s time to close the green skills gap and create the net-zero workforce of the future

13 October 2023
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How we can use education and skills development to promote sustainability and meet net-zero targets

City & Guilds bring first Skills Hub to the political party conferences

12 October 2023
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Every year in late-September and early October the UK political parties hold their party conferences in cities across England. These present an opportunity for Members of Parliament, party members, businesses and associations to gather, discuss and debate the key issues of the day in meetings and through set speeches.

City & Guilds celebrates partnership with skills focused charity Bounce Back

11 October 2023
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How the City & Guilds Foundation is helping Bounce Back bring practical skills training to the people who need it most

City & Guilds Impact Report 2023 reinforces commitment to meaningful change

05 October 2023
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Showcasing the difference we make to over 3.5M people, the organisations we work with, and the economies we impact.

Five ways to engage with T Levels as an employer or industry expert

02 October 2023
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From qualification validation to hosting industry placements, find out how you can get involved to ensure that T Levels meet the needs of industry.

Building the future: How T Levels could change the face of construction

29 September 2023
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The new technical qualifications will be crucial to developing construction’s next generation but they will need employing organisation input to succeed.

Making the case for investment in training to drive business outcomes

13 September 2023
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Why should businesses prioritise skills development to adapt and thrive?

Driving a greener future for transport with electric vehicle charging qualifications

07 September 2023
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How the right skills solutions can take electric vehicle adoption to the next level.

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