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City & Guilds offers a full suite of qualifications suitable for people who are working, or hoping to work with children and for those seeking progression in their careers.  Ranging from Levels 1 to 5 across childcare, playwork and support teaching and learning sectors our qualifications have been approved by regulators and are endorsed by employers across England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Check out our qualifications for:


September 2019 health and social care, and childcare – Wales

City & Guilds and WJEC are working together to be the sole provider of a new suite of fundable health and social care, and childcare qualifications in Wales which will be ready for delivery to learners from September 2019.

Draft qualifications are being submitted in stages to Qualifications Wales and will be made available between now and December 2018.

Look out for our new City & Guilds/WJEC website, which will be live at the end of June 2018 to find out more about these qualifications. In the meantime, visit health and social care, and childcare – Wales for information and frequently asked questions.

Early Years Levels 1-5

City & Guilds works closely with the key regulators and stakeholders in Wales and Northern Ireland to ensure that our Early Years and childcare qualifications are fit for purpose. Our partners include: 

  • The Care Council for Wales
  • The Care Sector Liaison and Quality Group
  • The Care Sector Qualifications and Standards Sub-Committee
  • The Northern Ireland Social Care Council
  • NI Childcare Partnerships Workforce Development Committee
  • Playwork Education and Training Committee NI
  • SkillsActive
  • PlayBoard NI
  • PlayWales

Working collaboratively ensures that our qualifications continue to be accessible and fit for purpose and embrace Welsh and Northern Irish cultural, language, policy contexts and funding requirements.

Level 1 Award/Certificate/Diploma in Introduction to Health and Social Care (Adults and Children and Young People)

Level 2 Diploma in Children’s Care Learning and Development

> Mandatory Units

> Optional Units

> Level 2 Logbook

Level 2 Certificate in Children's Care, Learning and Development

> Qualification handbook

Level 3 Diploma in Children’s Care, Learning and Development Work based route

> Mandatory units

> Optional units


Optional units 

Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Children’s Care, Learning and Development Advance Practice

> Qualification handbook

Advance Practice route

> Optional units


Management route

Mandatory units

Optional units

> Logbooks

Playwork Levels 1-5

Available from Levels 2-5, City & Guilds playwork qualifications ensure that Playworkers develop the skills, knowledge and understanding necessary  to provide and support a child’s play needs and behaviours.

Our qualifications have been developed in collaboration with SkillsActive and in partnership with playworkers and play agencies across the UK including PlayBoard NI and Play Wales.

To view the qualification handbooks and assessment packs, please access the relevant qualiifications below:

> 4964 - Playwork

Support Teaching and Learning in Schools Level 2-3

Available at Level 2 and Level 3 these qualifications are suitable for those already working as learning support staff in schools. A suite of qualifications that measure the knowledge and skills required to meet the support needs of primary, secondary and special needs schools.

Achieving one of the qualifications demonstrates an individual's ability relating to pupil welfare, care, behaviour and learning.

>  Level 2 Exemplar Assignments (password required, this can be found in the Walled Garden)

>  Level 3 Exemplar Assignments (password required, this can be found in the Walled Garden)

Additional guidance and Career Planner 

City & Guilds Support Resources

  • Smartscreen is our online portal for tutor, assessors and learners that provides unit-specific support materials and tutor forums to complement the delivery and learning experience. SmartScreen packages are available for Early Years:
  • Learning Assistant is an innovative and cost effective e-portfolio solution that allows colleges and training providers to dramatically improve the delivery of their vocational qualifications. Speak to your Business Manager about integrating Learning Assistant into the delivery of your programmes of study.

Keep up to date with Learning Assistant developments >

  • Speak to your Business Manager about developments in Essential Skills for Wales and Northern Ireland.

Early Years Levels 1-3

We offer Early Years qualifications for level 1, 2 and 3. The different levels are independent from one another which allows learners to be more specified in what they wish to study.

Our Level 3 Early Years Educator qualifications are recognised as full and relevant by the National College for Teaching and Leadership and are the qualification of choice of Bright Horizons Family Solutions, one of the largest and most valued providers of early years services in England. For more information view the support resources pages.

Early Years Level 1

Qualifications are a introduction to caring for children and help develop basic  skills and knowledge. Learners will cover topics such as communicating with children, engaging children through activities, supporting learning and planning for the care of children's physical and emotional needs.


Early Years Level 2

This qualification is designed for learners who want to develop a career in early years and are appropriate for the following roles: assistant nursery nurse, assistant early years practitioner or a childminder. You will need to be working or volunteering in a child care role, but other than that, these qualifications are suitable for anyone starting their first child care job.


Early Years Level 3

The qualifications for the Early Years Practitioner are aimed at learners who wish to become Early Years Educators. We offer two level 3 qualifications.



City & Guilds works hard to ensure that our qualifications meet the requirements of a diverse group of funders. Our Children & Young People qualification funding and information guide can be viewed here.

Playwork Levels 1-5

Available from Levels 2-5, City & Guilds playwork qualifications ensure that Playworkers develop the skills, knowledge and understanding necessary  to provide and support a child’s play needs and behaviours.

Our qualifications have been developed in collaboration with SkillsActive and in partnership with playworkers and play agencies across the UK including PlayBoard NI and Play Wales.

To view the qualification handbooks and assessment packs, please access the relevant qualiifications below:

> 4964 - Playwork

Support Teaching and Learning in Schools Level 2-3

Available at Level 2 and Level 3 these qualifications are suitable for those already working as learning support staff in schools. A suite of qualifications that measure the knowledge and skills required to meet the support needs of primary, secondary and special needs schools.

Achieving one of the qualifications demonstrates an individual's ability relating to pupil welfare, care, behaviour and learning.

>  Level 2 Exemplar Assignments (password required, this can be found in the Walled Garden)

>  Level 3 Exemplar Assignments (password required, this can be found in the Walled Garden)

Additional guidance and Career Planner 

City & Guilds Support Resources

  • Playwork and support teaching and learning in schools do not have an ebook available at this time.
  • Smartscreen is our online portal for tutor, assessors and learners that provides unit-specific support materials and tutor forums to complement the delivery and learning experience.
  • Early years:
  • Learning assistant is an innovative and cost effective e-portfolio solution that allows colleges and training providers to dramatically improve the delivery of their vocational qualifications.
  • Functional skills are available from Entry 1 through to Level 2, our Functional Skills qualifications offer full curriculum coverage across all five levels. 

Wales and Northern Ireland