T Level Agriculture, Environmental and Animal Care (8717)

Last Updated: 07 May 2024

There are two pathways within the Agriculture, Environmental and Animal Care route:

  • Agriculture, Land Management and Production
  • Animal Care and Management 

Each pathway includes the common core and a choice of core pathways and occupational specialisms.

The common core element of the Agriculture, Environmental and Animal Care T Level will develop a learner’s knowledge in a range of topics such as sustainability, ethics and health and safety. They will develop their understanding of working within the land sector, including professional responsibilities, business management and project management. Learners will then study a core pathway relevant to their chosen occupational specialism where they will gain an understanding of the theoretical principles and practices integral to their chosen industry.

Agriculture, Land Management and Production
Learners will choose from 

  • the Crop, Horticulture, and Trees core pathway and the Crop Production, Trees and Woodland or Ornamental and environmental horticulture and landscaping occupational specialisms
  • the Livestock core pathway and the Livestock Production occupational specialism
  • the Land-based Engineering core pathway and the Land-based Engineering occupational specialism
  • the Floristry core pathway and the Floristry occupational specialism

Animal Care and Management 
Learners will choose from 

  • the Animal Management core pathway and the Animal Management and Behaviour occupational specialism
  • the Animal Science core pathway and the Animal Management and Science occupational specialism
A learner who completes this qualification is well placed to develop to full occupational competence with the correct support and training. 

T Levels are new courses which will follow GCSEs and will be equivalent to three A Levels. These two-year courses have been developed in collaboration with employers and businesses so that the content meets the needs of industry and prepares learners for work. 

This qualification forms a significant part of the T Level and City & Guilds are responsible for its development and ongoing operational delivery. 

All other parts of the T Level, as listed below, will need to be achieved by a learner for the Department for Education to award successful completion. It is important to note that City & Guilds do not have responsibility of delivery for the other parts of the T Level but will continue to support centres where they can on all aspects of T Level delivery. 

Additional mandatory parts of the T Level that need to be achieved: 

  • A 315-hour (45 day) minimum industry placement 
  • A requirement for students to work towards the attainment of maths and English if they have not already achieved grade 4 at GCSE, as they do on other 16 to 19 programmes 

Key resources and support 

Are you an exam officer or tutor at a college or other institution currently offering City & Guilds T Level Technical Qualifications? Find key information and support on our Tutor Resources and Support page.  

To find out more about T Levels visit the dedicated DfE page here.

To find out about City & Guilds T Level provision click here.

‘T-LEVELS’ is a registered trade mark of the Department for Education and ‘T Level’ is a registered trade mark of the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education. 

Available to deliver in the following:
  • England

Interested in delivering this qualification?

Find out more about how to become an approved City & Guilds centre or fill out our online customer application form

General Information

What Is Involved In Studying This Course?

The Agriculture, Environmental and Animal Care T Level contains two Technical Qualifications: Animal Care & Management, and Agriculture, Land Management & Production. 

Learners who take either of the qualifications will complete the same Common Core content, which includes topics such as health & safety, sustainability, ethics, business management, professional responsibilities, attitudes and behaviours.

Learners will then study a Core Pathway which leads to an Occupational Specialism.

Within the Animal Care & Management Technical Qualification, topics covered in the core pathways and occupational specialisms include:

  • Animal Management & Behaviour: Anatomy and physiology, animal health, animal biology, nutrition, animal behaviour, communication and training, animal husbandry, animal welfare and conservation. 
  • Animal Management & Science: Anatomy and physiology, cells and tissues, nutrition, animal behaviour, research methods, genetics, evolution, conservation, animal welfare, animal health, animal husbandry, laboratory skills, microbiology and biochemistry.

Within the Agriculture, Land Management & Production Technical Qualification, topics covered in the core pathways and occupational specialisms include:

  • Livestock production: biosecurity, anatomy and physiology, diseases and disorders, nutrition, animal health, animal breeding and production, managing livestock, maintaining areas surrounding livestock.
  • Crop production: biosecurity, plant growth and development, crop yield and quality, establishing crops, managing crops, harvesting and storing crops. 
  • Ornamental and environmental horticulture and landscaping: biosecurity, plant growth and development, establishment, maintenance, installation and management of horticultural areas and designed landscapes.
  • Land-based engineering: land-based equipment and machinery maintenance and repair, operating principles of different types of land-based machinery and equipment, tools, equipment and materials and their application, machinery and equipment maintenance and repair, diagnostic activities, machinery handover.   
  • Trees and woodlands: biosecurity, plant growth and development, theories and methods used to grow, maintain and manage trees and woodlands, tools, equipment and materials used in tree and woodland management and maintenance, tree felling, skills in growing trees.  
  • Floristry: Biosecurity, business, plant biology, safe working practices, creating designs in media, tied, glued and wired designs, communicating with colleagues and clients, creating designs to meet client requirements, producing designs for events. 
What Careers Can This Lead To?

This qualification focuses on the development of knowledge and skills needed for working in the Agriculture, Environmental and Animal Care industries, which will prepare learners to enter their chosen occupation through employment or as an Apprentice.

Furthermore, the completion of this qualification gives the learner the opportunity to progress onto higher education courses and training.

What Is Involved With Delivering This Course?
The technical qualification is made up of two components, both of which need to be successfully achieved.

The Core Component:
The core content is designed to offer sufficient breadth of knowledge and skills for the learner to apply in a variety of contexts related to the industry and those occupational specialisms linked to this T Level. The core content is the building blocks of knowledge and skills that will give a learner a broad understanding of the industry and job roles. At the same time, it will develop the core skills they will need to apply when working within the industry.

The knowledge tests and employer-set project are externally assessed.

Occupational Specialisms:

Occupational specialisms develop the knowledge, skills and behaviours necessary to achieve threshold competence in an occupation. Threshold competence is defined as when a learner’s attainment against the knowledge, skills and behaviours is of a standard for them to enter the occupation and industry. They must also demonstrate the ability to achieve occupational competence over time with the correct support and training.

Occupational specialisms are externally moderated.

For more details please refer to the Technical Qualification Specification under the Documents tab on this page.

Centres and providers work with local employers who will contribute to the knowledge and delivery of training. Employers will provide demonstrations and talks on the industry and where possible work placements will also be provided by the employers. Further information regarding placements can be found in the DfE's Industry Placements Delivery Guidance document.

Level 3

Core: Agriculture Land Management and Production: Crop, Woodland and Horticulture (8717-31)
Last Registration Date: 01 Sep 2028

Core: Agriculture Land Management and Production: Crop, Woodland and Horticulture

  • Accreditation No: 610/2933/6 This is a reference number related to UK accreditation framework
  • Type: T Levels This is categorisation to help define qualification attributes e.g. type of assessment
  • Credits: Data unavailable Credits are a measure of the size of the qualification
  • Guided Learning Hours: Data unavailable This is the average contact time a centre would typically commit
  • Total Qualification Time: Data unavailable The total time for the qualification
  • Key Stage: Data unavailable This shows the equivalent Key Stage level.
  • Last Certification: 01/09/2030 This is the last date that a certificate can be issued
  • Qualification fees in the UK: TBC, please speak to your Account Manager for further information Our typical price is the one that is most often paid by a centre for a completed learner. Some prices are made up of multiple charging points so action like taking difference units or specialisms to complete and resitting assessments may mean the cost for some learners differs.
Core: Agriculture Land Management and Production: Land-based Engineering (8717-32)
Last Registration Date: 01 Sep 2028

Core: Agriculture Land Management and Production: Land-based Engineering

  • Accreditation No: 610/2933/6 This is a reference number related to UK accreditation framework
  • Type: T Levels This is categorisation to help define qualification attributes e.g. type of assessment
  • Credits: Data unavailable Credits are a measure of the size of the qualification
  • Guided Learning Hours: Data unavailable This is the average contact time a centre would typically commit
  • Total Qualification Time: Data unavailable The total time for the qualification
  • Key Stage: Data unavailable This shows the equivalent Key Stage level.
  • Last Certification: 01/09/2030 This is the last date that a certificate can be issued
  • Qualification fees in the UK: TBC, please speak to your Account Manager for further information Our typical price is the one that is most often paid by a centre for a completed learner. Some prices are made up of multiple charging points so action like taking difference units or specialisms to complete and resitting assessments may mean the cost for some learners differs.
Core: Agriculture Land Management and Production: Livestock (8717-33)
Last Registration Date: 01 Sep 2028

Core: Agriculture Land Management and Production: Livestock

  • Accreditation No: 610/2933/6 This is a reference number related to UK accreditation framework
  • Type: T Levels This is categorisation to help define qualification attributes e.g. type of assessment
  • Credits: Data unavailable Credits are a measure of the size of the qualification
  • Guided Learning Hours: Data unavailable This is the average contact time a centre would typically commit
  • Total Qualification Time: Data unavailable The total time for the qualification
  • Key Stage: Data unavailable This shows the equivalent Key Stage level.
  • Last Certification: 01/09/2030 This is the last date that a certificate can be issued
  • Qualification fees in the UK: TBC, please speak to your Account Manager for further information Our typical price is the one that is most often paid by a centre for a completed learner. Some prices are made up of multiple charging points so action like taking difference units or specialisms to complete and resitting assessments may mean the cost for some learners differs.
Core: Agriculture Land Management and Production: Floristry (8717-34)
Last Registration Date: 01 Sep 2028

Core: Agriculture Land Management and Production: Floristry

  • Accreditation No: Data unavailable This is a reference number related to UK accreditation framework
  • Type: T Levels This is categorisation to help define qualification attributes e.g. type of assessment
  • Credits: Data unavailable Credits are a measure of the size of the qualification
  • Guided Learning Hours: Data unavailable This is the average contact time a centre would typically commit
  • Total Qualification Time: Data unavailable The total time for the qualification
  • Key Stage: Data unavailable This shows the equivalent Key Stage level.
  • Last Certification: 01/09/2030 This is the last date that a certificate can be issued
  • Qualification fees in the UK: TBC, please speak to your Account Manager for further information Our typical price is the one that is most often paid by a centre for a completed learner. Some prices are made up of multiple charging points so action like taking difference units or specialisms to complete and resitting assessments may mean the cost for some learners differs.
Core: Animal management (8717-35)
Last Registration Date: 01 Sep 2029

Core: Animal Management

  • Accreditation No: Data unavailable This is a reference number related to UK accreditation framework
  • Type: T Levels This is categorisation to help define qualification attributes e.g. type of assessment
  • Credits: Data unavailable Credits are a measure of the size of the qualification
  • Guided Learning Hours: Data unavailable This is the average contact time a centre would typically commit
  • Total Qualification Time: Data unavailable The total time for the qualification
  • Key Stage: Data unavailable This shows the equivalent Key Stage level.
  • Last Certification: 01/09/2031 This is the last date that a certificate can be issued
  • Qualification fees in the UK: TBC, please speak to your Account Manager for further information Our typical price is the one that is most often paid by a centre for a completed learner. Some prices are made up of multiple charging points so action like taking difference units or specialisms to complete and resitting assessments may mean the cost for some learners differs.
Core: Animal Science (8717-36)
Last Registration Date: 01 Sep 2029

Core: Animal Science

  • Accreditation No: Data unavailable This is a reference number related to UK accreditation framework
  • Type: T Levels This is categorisation to help define qualification attributes e.g. type of assessment
  • Credits: Data unavailable Credits are a measure of the size of the qualification
  • Guided Learning Hours: Data unavailable This is the average contact time a centre would typically commit
  • Total Qualification Time: Data unavailable The total time for the qualification
  • Key Stage: Data unavailable This shows the equivalent Key Stage level.
  • Last Certification: 01/09/2031 This is the last date that a certificate can be issued
  • Qualification fees in the UK: TBC, please speak to your Account Manager for further information Our typical price is the one that is most often paid by a centre for a completed learner. Some prices are made up of multiple charging points so action like taking difference units or specialisms to complete and resitting assessments may mean the cost for some learners differs.
T Level Crop Production Occupational Specialism (8717-40)
Last Registration Date: 01 Sep 2028

T Level Crop Production Occupational Specialism

  • Accreditation No: 610/2933/6 This is a reference number related to UK accreditation framework
  • Type: T Levels This is categorisation to help define qualification attributes e.g. type of assessment
  • Credits: Data unavailable Credits are a measure of the size of the qualification
  • Guided Learning Hours: Data unavailable This is the average contact time a centre would typically commit
  • Total Qualification Time: Data unavailable The total time for the qualification
  • Key Stage: Data unavailable This shows the equivalent Key Stage level.
  • Last Certification: 01/09/2030 This is the last date that a certificate can be issued
  • Qualification fees in the UK: TBC, please speak to your Account Manager for further information Our typical price is the one that is most often paid by a centre for a completed learner. Some prices are made up of multiple charging points so action like taking difference units or specialisms to complete and resitting assessments may mean the cost for some learners differs.
T Level Floristry Occupational Specialism (8717-41)
Last Registration Date: 01 Sep 2028

T Level Floristry Occupational Specialism

  • Accreditation No: 610/2933/6 This is a reference number related to UK accreditation framework
  • Type: T Levels This is categorisation to help define qualification attributes e.g. type of assessment
  • Credits: Data unavailable Credits are a measure of the size of the qualification
  • Guided Learning Hours: Data unavailable This is the average contact time a centre would typically commit
  • Total Qualification Time: Data unavailable The total time for the qualification
  • Key Stage: Data unavailable This shows the equivalent Key Stage level.
  • Last Certification: 01/09/2030 This is the last date that a certificate can be issued
  • Qualification fees in the UK: TBC, please speak to your Account Manager for further information Our typical price is the one that is most often paid by a centre for a completed learner. Some prices are made up of multiple charging points so action like taking difference units or specialisms to complete and resitting assessments may mean the cost for some learners differs.
T Level Land-based Engineering Occupational Specialism (8717-42)
Last Registration Date: 01 Sep 2028

T Level Land-based Engineering Occupational Specialism

  • Accreditation No: 610/2933/6 This is a reference number related to UK accreditation framework
  • Type: T Levels This is categorisation to help define qualification attributes e.g. type of assessment
  • Credits: Data unavailable Credits are a measure of the size of the qualification
  • Guided Learning Hours: Data unavailable This is the average contact time a centre would typically commit
  • Total Qualification Time: Data unavailable The total time for the qualification
  • Key Stage: Data unavailable This shows the equivalent Key Stage level.
  • Last Certification: 01/09/2030 This is the last date that a certificate can be issued
  • Qualification fees in the UK: TBC, please speak to your Account Manager for further information Our typical price is the one that is most often paid by a centre for a completed learner. Some prices are made up of multiple charging points so action like taking difference units or specialisms to complete and resitting assessments may mean the cost for some learners differs.
T Level Livestock Production Occupational Specialism (8717-43)
Last Registration Date: 01 Sep 2028

T Level Livestock Production Occupational Specialism

  • Accreditation No: 610/2933/6 This is a reference number related to UK accreditation framework
  • Type: T Levels This is categorisation to help define qualification attributes e.g. type of assessment
  • Credits: Data unavailable Credits are a measure of the size of the qualification
  • Guided Learning Hours: 24 This is the average contact time a centre would typically commit
  • Total Qualification Time: Data unavailable The total time for the qualification
  • Key Stage: Data unavailable This shows the equivalent Key Stage level.
  • Last Certification: 01/09/2030 This is the last date that a certificate can be issued
  • Qualification fees in the UK: TBC, please speak to your Account Manager for further information Our typical price is the one that is most often paid by a centre for a completed learner. Some prices are made up of multiple charging points so action like taking difference units or specialisms to complete and resitting assessments may mean the cost for some learners differs.
T Level Ornamental and Environmental Horticulture and Landscaping Occupational Specialism (8717-44)
Last Registration Date: 01 Sep 2028

T Level Ornamental and Environmental Horticulture and Landscaping Occupational Specialism

  • Accreditation No: 610/2933/6 This is a reference number related to UK accreditation framework
  • Type: T Levels This is categorisation to help define qualification attributes e.g. type of assessment
  • Credits: Data unavailable Credits are a measure of the size of the qualification
  • Guided Learning Hours: 24 This is the average contact time a centre would typically commit
  • Total Qualification Time: Data unavailable The total time for the qualification
  • Key Stage: Data unavailable This shows the equivalent Key Stage level.
  • Last Certification: 01/09/2030 This is the last date that a certificate can be issued
  • Qualification fees in the UK: TBC, please speak to your Account Manager for further information Our typical price is the one that is most often paid by a centre for a completed learner. Some prices are made up of multiple charging points so action like taking difference units or specialisms to complete and resitting assessments may mean the cost for some learners differs.
T Level Trees and Woodland Management and Maintenance (Arboriculture) Occupational Specialism (8717-45)
Last Registration Date: 01 Sep 2028

T Level Trees and Woodland Management and Maintenance (Arboriculture) Occupational Specialism

  • Accreditation No: 610/2933/6 This is a reference number related to UK accreditation framework
  • Type: T Levels This is categorisation to help define qualification attributes e.g. type of assessment
  • Credits: Data unavailable Credits are a measure of the size of the qualification
  • Guided Learning Hours: Data unavailable This is the average contact time a centre would typically commit
  • Total Qualification Time: Data unavailable The total time for the qualification
  • Key Stage: Data unavailable This shows the equivalent Key Stage level.
  • Last Certification: 01/09/2030 This is the last date that a certificate can be issued
  • Qualification fees in the UK: TBC, please speak to your Account Manager for further information Our typical price is the one that is most often paid by a centre for a completed learner. Some prices are made up of multiple charging points so action like taking difference units or specialisms to complete and resitting assessments may mean the cost for some learners differs.
T Level Trees and Woodland Management and Maintenance (Forestry) Occupational Specialism (8717-46)
Last Registration Date: 01 Sep 2028

T Level Trees and Woodland Management and Maintenance (Forestry) Occupational Specialism

  • Accreditation No: 610/2933/6 This is a reference number related to UK accreditation framework
  • Type: T Levels This is categorisation to help define qualification attributes e.g. type of assessment
  • Credits: Data unavailable Credits are a measure of the size of the qualification
  • Guided Learning Hours: 24 This is the average contact time a centre would typically commit
  • Total Qualification Time: Data unavailable The total time for the qualification
  • Key Stage: Data unavailable This shows the equivalent Key Stage level.
  • Last Certification: 01/09/2030 This is the last date that a certificate can be issued
  • Qualification fees in the UK: TBC, please speak to your Account Manager for further information Our typical price is the one that is most often paid by a centre for a completed learner. Some prices are made up of multiple charging points so action like taking difference units or specialisms to complete and resitting assessments may mean the cost for some learners differs.
Animal Management and Behaviour Occupational Specialism (8717-47)
Last Registration Date: 01 Sep 2029

Animal Management and Behaviour Occupational Specialism

  • Accreditation No: Data unavailable This is a reference number related to UK accreditation framework
  • Type: T Levels This is categorisation to help define qualification attributes e.g. type of assessment
  • Credits: Data unavailable Credits are a measure of the size of the qualification
  • Guided Learning Hours: Data unavailable This is the average contact time a centre would typically commit
  • Total Qualification Time: Data unavailable The total time for the qualification
  • Key Stage: Data unavailable This shows the equivalent Key Stage level.
  • Last Certification: 01/09/2031 This is the last date that a certificate can be issued
  • Qualification fees in the UK: TBC, please speak to your Account Manager for further information Our typical price is the one that is most often paid by a centre for a completed learner. Some prices are made up of multiple charging points so action like taking difference units or specialisms to complete and resitting assessments may mean the cost for some learners differs.
Animal Management and Science Occupational Specialism (8717-48)
Last Registration Date: 01 Sep 2029

Animal Management and Science Occupational Specialism

  • Accreditation No: Data unavailable This is a reference number related to UK accreditation framework
  • Type: T Levels This is categorisation to help define qualification attributes e.g. type of assessment
  • Credits: Data unavailable Credits are a measure of the size of the qualification
  • Guided Learning Hours: Data unavailable This is the average contact time a centre would typically commit
  • Total Qualification Time: Data unavailable The total time for the qualification
  • Key Stage: Data unavailable This shows the equivalent Key Stage level.
  • Last Certification: 01/09/2031 This is the last date that a certificate can be issued
  • Qualification fees in the UK: TBC, please speak to your Account Manager for further information Our typical price is the one that is most often paid by a centre for a completed learner. Some prices are made up of multiple charging points so action like taking difference units or specialisms to complete and resitting assessments may mean the cost for some learners differs.