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Digital Learning

Digital Learning

Broaden your learners’ resources options with City & Guilds interactive digital learning content. We understand the pressures of utilising digital solutions within your organisation so we have developed flexible, relevant and engaging programmes to support you.

Available to access, anytime, anywhere and always up to date to the National standards, there is no better time to adapt to digital learning to help achievement and success.

Level 2 Carpentry Qualifications

Level 2 Brickwork Qualifications

Professional Cookery


Level 2 Plumbing and Electrotechnical

18th Edition Wiring Regulations

Level 2 and 3 Hairdressing

Level 2 and 3 Beauty

Digital Resources for City & Guilds’ ESOL qualifications – Klik2Learn

Dedicated support

From enquiry to embedding, we have a dedicated team of specialists to help. Our support team will help you in utilising the most from your purchase and ensuring it’s a resource of choice to support your end outcomes.

Five reasons to use Digital Learning

  1. it improves learner engagement and motivation through adopting a variety of technologies and methodologies (video, quizzes and interactive animations)
  2. looking beyond simple “click next” learning helps learners retain knowledge more much effectively than traditional (textual) learning resources
  3. it enables learners to progress at their own pace and ensures they are comfortable in their learning and understanding before they move on
  4. the tracking data and instant forms of feedback given to learners generate profiles that drive customised learning plans for individuals (ILPs)
  5. learning can happen anywhere and anytime – tutors can make use the materials in classrooms, while learners can access the materials on a range of devices, as and when is convenient for them.