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Explore City & Guilds- the global leader in skills development & apprenticeship schemes with 2 million learners working on diverse qualifications every year.
Learn more about City & Guilds and our drive to build successful careers and businesses for over 140 years in the industry
Keep up-to-date about vocational events run by City & Guilds including apprenticeships, qualifications and T Levels plus much more. Learn more
Giving feedback? Making a complaint? Confidentially? Whistle-blowing? Learn more.
City & Guilds transforms the lives of people in more than 80 countries, by helping to build businesses and economies
Learn about digital credentials - helping you see all skills. Join 1000s of organisations who are using digital credentials to revolutionise how they see skills.
Whether you're a centre, an FE college, a private training provider, an employer or a learner, see what City & Guilds can offer you.
These pages provide you with help & guidance, covering all aspects of delivering & administering City & Guilds qualifications, including how to contact us.
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Every organisation is unique, and so are your goals. High-quality, relevant and tailored training is key to remaining competitive, and recognising skills will set your business apart – making you fit for the future.
Need help with something? From replacement certificates to how to become a City & Guilds centre and much more, find your answer here.
T Levels are level 3 technical qualifications that sit alongside apprenticeships and A Levels within a reformed skills training system. Find out more about these reforms and how City & Guilds can help.
Explore City & Guilds range of apprenticeships and options to gain recognised qualifications and improve the sustainable skills of your employees.
City & Guilds Technicals for 14-19 year olds is a new approach to skills-based education, designed to bridge the gap between education and employment